Freight Management service by TCR – Practical & Reliable
Worldwide freight management services provided by TCR has reduced our client’s freight expenses by an average of 11% – 13% and parcel expense by 8% – 10% annually. TCR’s proprietary software and experienced staff ensure we maximize our client’s transportation savings and provide actionable reports.
Start recovering over 10% on transportation expenses & receiving reports from TCR by forwarding your invoices to TCR. It’s truly that simple!
» Parcel & Small Package Audit Services «
TCR doesn’t limit our abilities to a few simple error types, rather we enable our clients to maximize the savings benefit by analyzing each and every invoice to 100%.
This is a great reason to choose TCR!
Guaranteed Service Refunds
TCR recovers 2%-4% of our client’s worldwide parcel expenses for late delivered parcels / packages.
Billed But Not Shipped Refunds
TCR recovers 2%-3% of our client’s worldwide parcel expenses for parcels that were billed, but never shipped due to a client cancellation or order consolidation.
Lost Package Refunds
TCR recovers 2%-3% of our parcel expense from parcels that were never delivered. Carriers refund up to $100.00/package plus shipping charges for non-delivered packages.
Carrier Invoice Analysis & Refunds
TCR’s Invoice Analysis has recovered over $5 million for our clients. TCR will review each line item of your invoice; we identify misapplied charges, invoice errors, and service failures and retrieve the refund from your carrier.
Small Parcel Management Reports
TCR provides customize management reports which provide knowledge into clients shipping activity which empowers clients to reduce cost and provide information to negotiate with their carriers.
» Freight Audit Services + Audit Payment «
For a ton of information regarding TCR’s freight payment and audit payment services, please visit our website exclusively devoted to that topic. Get freight payment industry news and more! Visit TCR’s freight payment website.
Freight Pre-Audit & Freight Payment
TCR’s worldwide Pre-Audit has identified 3% – 7% average adjustment savings for all modes of transportation. TCR’s Freight Payment automates the payment process and eliminates your Operational and Accounting time spent on freight payment. If clients want to maintain the payment activity, TCR will provide our clients a weekly report which they can use to pay their carriers.
Freight Bill Post-Audit
TCR’s worldwide Post-Audit recovers 3%-5% of freight bills which our clients have paid in the past six months. TCR leverages the results of the Post-Audit to analyze freight flow patterns and trends to recommend transportation and warehouse cost reductions and service improvements.
Freight Audit & Audit Management Reports
TCR has developed a robust suite of over 300 report templates that allows for thousands of report variations to be queried and reviewed via the web or TCR sends our clients. If our templates do not our clients needs, TCR will create customized reports to meet individual needs. The management reports provide customers with dynamic and action-oriented knowledge of their carriers and supply chain.
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