TCR Services – Free Trial
Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this exciting offer from TCR! Everyone knows that empty promises are worth nothing. Let TCR prove to you the innate value of our cost-saving transportation management and audit services.
Currently Receiving EDI Billing???
Simply send us your most recent file(s) to TCR: Attention David Ladner.
In our business, there are no gray areas. It’s black and white. We can either save you time and money, or we can’t. On average, you can expect 5%-10% savings. However, from time to time, you could see 15% – 30% savings. The actual savings depends on your shipping pattern, service type, and time of the year.
To find out how much we can save your company, we do a FREE, no obligation test on your account. There is no time, resources or cost associated from you for this test. We do all the work!
Currently NOT Receiving EDI Billing???
Just fill out and fax us a FedEx authorization, UPS authorization, or DHL authorization for us to receive your past invoices for a trial audit.
In 1-2 weeks, we will send you a report just like the parcel sample report. From there we can realistically explain what you can expect from us over the coming years and let you see the benefits of additional reporting services we can offer (all FREE).
If you need any assistance or additional information about the free test audit, contact our customer care.
» DHL Instructions «
Please download this DHL authorization letter, and copy onto your company letterhead, then complete it.
Download and sign this (separate & additional) DHL Invoice Data Interchange Agreement
Sign and fax both to 1-206-203-0930.
If you have multiple DHL accounts, please include your major accounts for an accurate assessment.
» UPS Instructions «
Download the UPS authorization letter, and copy onto your company letterhead.
Fill in the contact info (name, phone, fax, and email) of your UPS account representative.
Fill out and sign the UPS Electronic Data Exchange Agreement.
Sign and fax both to 1-206-203-0930.
We will alert you when the set up process has been completed.
» FedEx Instructions «
If you do not have a user name and password;
Click on the link to register on for a user name and password. FedEx Sign up.
If you already have a Fedex user name and password;
- Sign on to and go to Fedex home page.
- Under the “Manage” tab please click on “View/Pay bill online”. Please register for FedEx online billing.
- 3. Send your FedEx user name and password to David Ladner. TCR will download your FedEx billing file and we will track your packages and provide your company with a report highlighting the result.
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