Parcel Auditor Technology
Parcel Auditors need to continue to update technology
Most auditors indicate that they can collect 2%-5% of transportation expenses but without world class technology the recovery is much less. Identifying late deliveries and packages that were billed but not shipped are the low hanging fruit. However, the more complicated refunds require refined technology like rate audits, residential deliveries, over size packages and other accessorial charges. Shippers should expect their Parcel Auditor to keep their technology current with new version updates at least twice per year.
Many third parties use Transportation Cost Recovery’s technology. Transportation Cost Recovery developed its technology so it can be branded and resold by third parties. Therefore clients my see similar technology to Transportation Cost Recovery’s which is branded by other Parcel Auditors. Other Parcel Auditors have determined that the development and maintaining of world class technology is very demanding. Therefore they have decide to license Transportation Cost Recovery technology.